How much is the price of a kilo of saffron in Toronto?
King Business Company is one of the most reliable sellers of Iranian saffron in Canada.
This company sells all kinds of red gold in different packages in the markets of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, etc.
The price of saffron in Canada depends on several factors.

The price of saffron in Canada
The price of saffron in Canada

Buying saffron in Toronto

The sales branch of our company in Toronto offers you pure saffron.
The best way to buy saffron in Toronto is to visit the King Business store.
The second method is direct communication with the saffron sales department.

The price of a kilo of saffron

The price of a kilo of saffron
The price of a kilo of saffron

In the European market, each kilo of saffron is bought and sold for between 2500 and 2900 euros.
You know that in Canada, all products are bought and sold in Canadian dollars.
The price of one kilo of saffron in Canada is 2450 to 3000 Canadian dollars.

Conosci il prezzo di 1 ml di estratto di zafferano?

Selling saffron in Canada

This valuable product is known as red gold.
Its low volume and high price have made many people think of buying and selling saffron.
A very important issue is that: selling and exporting saffron requires expertise.
The sale of saffron in Canada at the best price is done by the sales branches of King Business Company.

Saffron King store

One of the most reliable and largest sellers of saffron in Canada is King Business. set
Saffron King store offers all kinds of saffron in various packages.
The price of saffron in Canada and important cities like Montreal and Toronto is the same.

Planting and exporting saffron

Planting and exporting saffron
Planting and exporting saffron

From the planting of saffron to its sale and export, it is done by the specialists of our company.
We have farms in Iran and Afghanistan and plant saffron.
For this reason, dear customers who want to buy pure saffron at the best price, contact the sales department of our company and buy the products they need.
This company exports saffron to the international market, especially to Canada.

The price of saffron in Canada

In saffron retail, this product is sold in 0.25-0.50 and 1 gram packages.
The type of packaging and the quality of the products have a direct impact on their pricing.
The price of each gram of saffron in Canada and even some American states is 6 to 9 dollars.

Wholesale saffron in Canada

Usually, pharmaceutical companies, restaurants, chocolate companies, and ice cream factories buy this product in bulk.
Wholesale of saffron in Canada is done by King Business Company.
Major saffron packages are in weights of 250 grams, half a kilo, and one kilo.

Saffron sales branch in Canada

Saffron sales branch in Canada
Saffron sales branch in Canada

If you are in one of the cities of Canada and want to buy and sell saffron, you can be at one of the saffron sales branches in Canada.
By obtaining the license of the saffron sales branch in Canada from King Business Company, you can benefit from all the services of this company.

Buy saffron at the best price

The best way to buy saffron is to buy your products from a reputable center that specializes in this work.
To buy saffron at the best price, we suggest you contact the Saffron King store.
This company specializes in the production and planting of saffron, processing, and packaging, and selling and exporting it.

Saffron King sales branches

Saffron sales branches have been established in some Canadian cities so that you can access the products of this company in the shortest possible time.
To buy the highest quality saffron at the best price, you can visit one of the saffron sales branches.

The price of saffron in dollars

The price of saffron in dollars
The price of saffron in dollars

In the United States of America and also in Canada, saffron is bought and sold in dollars.
Of course, the US dollar is different from the Canadian one.
The price of saffron in Canada is 2500 to 3000 dollars.

Selling saffron in Europe

King Business has sales branches in many European countries.
Saffron is sold in Europe by these stores and branches.
Throughout the European Union, this company delivers saffron to you at the final destination.
Contact us to buy pure saffron.

Selling Iranian saffron in Canada

Iranian saffron is one of the best saffrons in the international market.
We have an agricultural farm in Iran, so you can directly buy the highest quality products from our company.
Iranian saffron is sold in Canada in King’s saffron buying and selling centers.

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