In this article you will read:
What is the best-selling saffron?
What is the price of Negin saffron in the European market?
What are the most important characteristics of Negin saffron?
What is the best price of Negin saffron?
Export of pure saffron to Europe
Today’s price list of saffron in the market
Prices of saffron
There are different prices in the market.
Considering that Negin saffron is one of the best-selling saffrons in the European market, its price is clear.
At Saffron King, the price of one kilo of Negin Grade saffron is 1,590 euros.
The price of one gram of saffron in the online saffron store ( is 2.59 euros.
Some saffron sellers announce different prices.
Because the type of packaging and the amount of the order, etc., affect the prices.
Because we are a producer of saffron and a supplier of saffron as well as a saffron farmer, so we offer you the highest quality saffron at the best price.
The most important characteristics of Negin saffron
Saffron string consists of several parts.
Cream part: The yellow or white part is saffron and has more medicinal uses.
Straw is a combination of red and some cream.
Negin and Sargol saffron are the red parts that usually attract the most buyers in sales.
In the following, we will discuss the characteristics of Negin saffron as one of the best-selling saffron for export.
Buy saffron at the best price
The important points to consider when buying saffron are as follows:
Product quality and appearance (solid red color without breakage)
The price of saffron and its suitability for quality
Purchase from reputable centers (products of well-known centers in the field of saffron have a 100% guarantee)
As you know, one of the largest saffron sales centers in Europe is Saffron King.
To buy saffron at the best price, please contact our experts.
The best-selling saffron
In most saffron markets, including the markets of Arab and European countries, Negin and Sargol are popular.
Negin and Sargol are the best-selling saffron in the export sector.
Let’s review the important features of red gold together.
Solid red (all red)
Smoothness of the string and no friction
It has large and healthy stigmas
Separation of stigmas from each other (be a string)
In some countries, such as India and China, saffron is known as a medicine.
Negin saffron export to Europe
European markets are important destinations for Iranian saffron and Afghan saffron.
Due to the fact that Saffron King Company has an agricultural farm in Afghanistan and Iran and plants saffron.
Saffron King is also headquartered in Europe, the Netherlands. (We have sales branches in Germany, Spain, Belgium, France, etc.)
Therefore, you can buy the highest quality saffron at the best price from our company.