What is the price of a kilo of Iranian saffron in 2023?
According to the saffron price chart on international websites, we see a %10 – %15 increase in 2022.
Saffron King Business is a wholesaler and exporter of red gold.
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Saffron price forecast 2023
What items are included in the saffron price chart?
The trend of product sales rate fluctuations is shown in this chart.
Of course, other factors, including the number of product sales, can also be displayed in the form of a graph.
According to the surveys, it is expected that the price of saffron will increase in 2023.
Bulk saffron price list
On the official website of Saffron King Business, the price list of the product is updated daily.
The following indicators are included in the bulk saffron sales price list.
The price of a kilo of saffron
product type
Product quality grade
Sales rates in different weight categories:
For example, 1 to 10 kilos, 10 to 50 kilos of red gold
Wholesale of saffron
The main focus of Saffron King brand activities is the wholesale of original saffron and export.
The purchase price of the products that are bought in bulk is more appropriate than its retail sale.
For example, one kilo of bulk saffron is between 2,800$ and 3,130$.
While if we want to get this amount in retail packages, 1 gram is between 9$ and13 $.
Selling saffron harvested this year
In three months, new saffron will enter the market.
Currently, greenhouses and saffron farms are being equipped and prepared.
In the next two to three weeks, the saffron onion will be transferred to the planting medium.
King Business is the wholesaler of this year’s harvest saffron.
Saffron price chart
Among the important things that can be seen in the saffron price chart,
Information about the trend of increasing or decreasing the price of the product in the market.
In this way, we can see the fluctuations very clearly by looking at the chart.
The price of 1 kilo of saffron
As mentioned, the product sales rate changes according to the type of purchase.
The price of 1 kilo of bulk saffron is very different from selling this amount of product in retail.
This price difference is due to the additional costs for processing, packaging, and distribution in the market.
Online shopping for saffron
How can we buy from the saffron online store?
As you know, many online stores operate in virtual spaces.
But is it the right thing to buy food products from internet sites?
If we buy from a well-known center and brand, a quality product will be sent to us.
Saffronking.shop online store offers the best types of Iranian saffron in the world markets.