How much is 1 gram of saffron?
What will be the Sale price of saffron on 18 September 2022?
Saffron King Business is one of the largest saffron wholesale and kilo shopping centers in Europe.
- Aumento dei Prezzi dello Zafferano 2025 in Europa
- Costo dello Zafferano in Europa 2025 + Esportazione di Zafferano Iraniano
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Buying kilos of saffron
As the season of collecting saffron flowers from agricultural fields approaches, the situation of buying and selling kilos of this product has certain changes.
The amount of saffron produced in 2022 decreased significantly.
Therefore, in the current situation, the amount of saffron available in the market is small.
However, the selling price of saffron is still increasing.
The price of 1 kilo of saffron in Europe
European countries are important importers of Iranian red gold.
Many traders and companies are active in the field of exporting and supplying saffron to the European market.
In addition to the production of this valuable product, Saffron King Business is engaged in the export and wholesale sale of saffron.
The price of 1 kilo of saffron in Europe with the King Business brand in Sep 2022 is between $3,890 and $4,450.

Wholesale of saffron
As mentioned, in these months, wholesale saffron is sold under special conditions.
The volume of harvested products last year in the market is almost low.
On the other hand, the demand for buying saffron is increasing in September and October.
The reason for this increase in demand for purchase is the predictions about the increase in the price of fresh saffron this year.
How much is 1 gram of saffron?
What is the increase in the Sale price of saffron on 18 September?
As you know, there is a certain trend in the increase and even decrease in the price of buying and selling products in the European markets.
Currently, the price of 1 gram of saffron in the online store is between 9 and 13 euros.
It is expected to reach $18 to $21 in mid-2023.

The sale price of saffron on 18 September
The buying and selling of saffron in Sep this year is different from the market situation of this product in the past years.
In the past years, in these months, buyers were usually waiting for fresh saffron to enter the market:
Therefore, buying and selling kilos of saffron was less in Sept.
The wholesale situation of bulk saffron is different this year.
The volume of buying and selling saffron is more than in the same months in 2022.
Saffron online store
One of the ways to supply red gold to the market is to sell products online.
Shopping sites usually offer saffron in retail form.
That is, in various packages and weights required by the consumer.
Normally, saffron is packaged in weights (0.10 grams, 0.25 grams, 0.5, 1 gram, and even 10 grams) in the online store.

Export of saffron in December
What is the usual trend of saffron export volume in December?
Considering that in December, saffron just entered the market, therefore:
Sending it to other countries is done more intensively.
Saffron King Business company sends the best types of Iranian saffron in bulk to all countries.