What is the selling price of one kilo of saffron?
The price of saffron in 2021 in the new year will be provided to you on Saffron King Business’s website.
What is the Bulk saffron prices in Europe?
In the following, we will examine the major purchase of saffron in dollars and euros.
But what is the price of each kilo of saffron for export today?

What is the price of a kilo of saffron?
What is Bulk saffron prices in Europe in the Iranian saffron market?
The price of each kilo of saffron for export is between $ 1,200 and $ 30,000.
But the price of bulk saffron varies based on the order quantity.
In the European market, prices are in euros, and in other countries, saffron prices are calculated in dollars.
But what are the prices of different types of saffron in Saffron King Business?
We have agricultural land in Iran and we have agricultural land in Afghanistan and I plant saffron.
View the price list of saffron per kilogram and select the option you want.
This price list is for 10 to 50 kg of saffron.

Sale price of one kilo of saffron for export
In this section, we deal with the selling price of one kilo of saffron for export.
What is the price of each kilo of saffron in 2021 ?
The wholesale purchase price of saffron in 2021 in dollars and euros is available in this table.
In this saffron price list, prices for 1 to 100 kg are available to you in a classified manner.
You can choose the type of saffron and the amount of your order and get the saffron you need.

Buy saffron and the price of saffron in 2021
What is the selling price of Iranian saffron?
As you know, we examined the price of saffron in 2021 in the previous articles.
And the important question; Where can we get the purchase price of bulk saffron and the price of bulk saffron?
Types of saffron are regularly placed on this site.
If you, dear ones, want to buy different types of saffron for export, you can contact us.

Major purchase price of Iranian saffron
What is the purchase and sale price of bulk saffron?
In Europe and in the saffron market, the price of saffron 2021 has been announced in 2021.
Saffron King Business executives focus on saffron exports.
Bulk purchase of Iranian saffron is always important for European buyers.
Because the price of bulk saffron is less than the retail price.
The purchase price of one gram of saffron in European stores is between 3 and 6 euros